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- Confidence and Courage: Wearing Carnelian can enhance self-confidence, courage, and the drive to achieve goals.
- Creativity and Passion: It can stimulate creativity, passion, and enthusiasm, making it a valuable tool for artists and innovators.
- Emotional Balance: Carnelian helps balance emotions, reducing mood swings and promoting inner harmony.
- Motivation for Success: It?s often associated with success and ambition, helping you stay focused and determined.
- Enhanced Concentration: Carnelian enhances mental clarity and concentration, aiding in productivity and problem-solving.
- Protection: Some view Carnelian as a protective stone, guarding against negative energies and promoting a sense of security.
- Emotional Healing: It can assist in emotional healing, particularly related to past trauma or grief.
Advik –
The bracelet is stunning, but the delivery took some time.
Advik –
Great design, but the bracelet is a bit stiff.
Rishabh –
Stunning design and excellent quality.